Taking Your Daily Vitamins:The Importance of Vitamin b12

Mothers around the world have said the phrase over and over again their children. "You have to take your daily vitamins." Of course, this was simply a trick to help us all in eating broccoli at the dinner table. Like most other statements that mothers make; however, there comes an age where you may begin to recognize that what she was telling you wasn't so far from the truth. If you want to make sure that you are maintaining your health, you will also want to make sure that you are getting enough Vitamin B12.

Vit B Complex

Vitamin B12 is a water soluble vitamin that is important for the overall functioning of the body. It is known to directly affect the nerve cells and red blood cells in supporting their daily activities. Beyond this, it helps to make the DNA that affects the genetics of individuals during their lifetime. It is because Vitamin B12 takes care of all of the little things that are a part of your body that it becomes important for the entire functioning of the body.

Vit B Complex

Typically, Vitamin B12 is attached to protein that is in food. When the stomach releases acid, the Vitamin B12 will be released and move through the intestinal tract in order to help with the cells and DNA of the body. You can find Vitamin B12 in high protein foods, especially meats, milk and eggs. If you don't eat these kinds of foods, then you can find Vitamin B12 in certain types of breakfast cereals.

The requirements for Vitamin B12 on a daily basis have been measured according to the standards of a variety of scientific research areas. These standards have been measured and researched in order to find what it takes to maintain a healthy state with Vitamin B12. This doesn't just include a minimum of what is needed, but also a maximum of what should be taken before the body begins to reject the supplement.

Generally, newborns and infants will want to have between 0.4 and 0.9 milligrams a day. Those that are between the ages of 4-8 will want an average of 1.2 milligrams every day. Pre-youth, between the ages of 9 and 13 will want to have more every day, at an average of 1.8 milligrams. Beginning at the age of 14 and throughout adult hood, one will want to maintain a healthy level of 2.4 milligrams every day. If you are pregnant you will want 2.6 milligrams, and if you are nursing you will want 2.8 milligrams per day, as you will need the extra supplements for your baby.

Overall, maintaining these levels of Vitamin B12 every day simply means having a daily intake of a meat or egg that is high in protein. If you are unable to sustain a regular amount of this on a day to day basis, you may want to consider taking a supplement or vitamin that contains B12. These are affective in allowing your body to balance out with what it needs for its daily requirements.

If you are unable to balance your body with Vitamin B12 on a day to day basis, then you will create a deficiency. There are different types of deficiencies which can occur, all which may be detrimental to your health. The most common problem with Vitamin B12 deficiency is with the inability to absorb the vitamin in the intestinal tract. At times, this comes from not eating the proper types or amounts of food. At other times, this inability to absorb Vitamin B12 is because of a disorder that occurs in the stomach or intestine.

You will be able to tell if you have a deficiency with Vitamin B12 because of specific symptoms. Most likely, you will begin to loose weight without a consistent supply of this Vitamin. As a result, you may also feel fatigued or weak. Most that do not have adequate supplies of Vitamin B12 also experience constipation. This is because the deficiency is linked directly to the intestinal tract and stomach.

If you do not begin to approach the deficiency that occurs from Vitamin B12, then the symptoms will continue to affect you, not only through physical problems, but also through mental functions that begin to change. This will begin with neurological changes, such as numbness in the hands and feet. After this, it will be expected that things such as depression, dementia, loss of memory and soreness may occur. If you are experiencing any of these problems, you will want to check with a doctor in order to ensure that it is not something that is more serious.

As can be seen, Vitamin B12 is an important supplement into your daily nutrition. If you want to ensure that your health is maintained, and that even the smallest levels of functioning in your body stay healthy, than you will want to make sure that you get a daily dose of your vitamins. You can take it from mom, eating everything on your plate is important.

Taking Your Daily Vitamins:The Importance of Vitamin b12
Vit B Complex

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