Vitamin B Supplements And Why We Need Them Daily

Why do we need Vitamin B? Well, Vitamin B is necessary to support and increase the rate of metabolism, to help maintain healthy looking skin and our muscle tone. It is also needed to help enhance our immune and nervous systems to function normally. Vitamin B also promotes cell growth and division, which includes red blood cells that are needed to prevent anemia. In the area of cancer Vitamin B helps to reduce pancreatic cancer risk.

Vit B Complex

There are nine different B Vitamins available on the market today.
A list of these Vitamins are:

Vit B Complex

B1 (thiamine)
B2 (riboflavin)
B3 (niacin)
B5 (pantithetic acid)
B6 (pyridoxine)
B8 (inositol)
B9 (folic acid)
B12 (cyanocobalamin)

There are many different deficiencies caused from the lack of these vitamins. A deficiency of Vitamin B1 or thiamine can cause beriberi symptoms. Some of these symptoms are noted as symptoms of the nervous system such as weight loss, emotional disturbances, impaired sensory perception, weakness with pain in the limbs, periodic irregular heartbeat, swelling of bodily tissues. In advanced cases of Vitamin B1 deficiency heart failure and death can occur.

B2, known as riboflavin deficiencies symptoms are cracks in the lips, highly sensitive to sunlight, inflammation of the tongue, sore throat, along with edema of nose-throat and swelling of the mouth.

Niacin or B3 deficiency can cause symptoms of aggression, itchy skin, insomnia, weakness, mental confusion and diarrhea. With an advanced case of Vitamin B3 deficiency dementia and death can occur.

B5 or pantithetic acid deficiency can cause acne.

Deficiency of Vitamin B6 can cause micrycrytic anemia, depression, dermatitis, high blood pressure, water retention.

Biotin or B7 deficiency doesn't usually cause symptoms in adults but can cause impaired growth and neurological disorders in infants. Multiple carboxylase deficiency can cause an inborn error of metabolism in infants.

B9 or folic acid deficiency is widely known about today as pregnant women are encouraged to take daily to help prevent birth defects in their unborn babies. Deficiencies may cause spinal cord abnormalities in unborn babies. Also studies have shown that folic acid might also slow down the effects of age on the brain.

B12 is probably the most widely known B vitamin on the market today. This vitamin in deficiency can cause memory loss and loss of other cognitive deficits. Most likely to occur among the elder population as absorption of this vitamin through the gut declines with age. Also an autoimmune disease such as pernicious anemia is another cause. A decrease in Vitamin B12 may cause symptoms of mania and/or pychosis.

When we understand what the causes are of these Vitamin B complex supplements, we then know how important it is that we maintain a healthy level of vitamin B in our body to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Vitamin B Supplements And Why We Need Them Daily
Vit B Complex

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